Benefits of travelling by train

Why book with NS International?

International train travel is a smart choice for those seeking comfort and convenience. It has a many advantages compared to travelling by car or plane.  
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Take the train: green and comfortable travel

You will see the landscape change along the way. You will pass the first hills and can already spot the higher mountain peaks in the distance. You will drive through sunflower fields, past fast-flowing rivers and small villages. The holiday has begun!   
The train offers plenty of room to move about, ideal for longer journeys with or without children. And you can spend your time as you like: reading, taking a nap, watching a film on your laptop, playing games or chatting with a fellow traveller. Moreover, on many trains you can get something to eat or drink in the bar. You will have your luggage at hand and also very convenient: you can visit the restroom whenever you need.  

And last but not least; travelling by train is a sustainable way of travelling. Its CO2 and particulate emissions are much less than travelling by car or plane. Other than walking or cycling, travelling by train is the best and wisest way to travel.

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In brief all the benefits

  • Plenty of room to move about
  • Ever-changing views
  • Environmentally friendly travel
  • Comfortable, spacious seating areas
  • No traffic jams or parking problems
  • Fun around a table or at the bar
  • No check-in stress
  • Arrive in the heart of the city
  • Reading, sleeping, playing games
  • Encounters with people
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Benefits of booking with NS International

And why is it best to book online with us?

  • We also sell train tickets to the station where your international train departs. This is cheaper in most cases. For example, if you want to go to Paris from Zwolle, you can book your ticket with us in one go. For the Zwolle to Amsterdam portion, you will pay no more than € 9 (2nd class). You can open the gates with your international ticket in Zwolle
  • Our (Dutch-speaking) customer service is available 24/7
  • You can request a (free) email alert if it is not yet possible to book your destination. We will inform you when sales open and you will benefit from the lowest prices
  • No booking fee when you buy your tickets online
  • You get extra discounts on some fares with your NS subscription on a number of carriers
  • You can load your ticket in the NS International App and will be notified during your journey if anything changes
  • Before departure, you will receive an email with additional information and tips for the journey

In short: travelling by train is the best way to travel and you can best book with NS International!

'NS International: reliable, trusted and personal '

Going on holiday by train with kids

There's no greater pleasure for children than travelling by train! You have more freedom of movement than in a car.